sâmbătă, 10 martie 2012

Star wars? 
Oh yeah. One of my favorites movies.
Why I like it? I don't really know that.
Now, because I don't fuckin know what I can post.
I'll write something about that movie :-?
Oh yeah.. let's see. google.. search. Wait a second.

HERE! So. Yeah.. There's more then one second.
Star wars is an American epic space opera film series
created by George Lucas. The first film in the series
was originally released on May 25,1997, under the 
title Star Wars, by 20th Century Fox, and became
a worldwide pop culture pgenomenon, fallowed by to
sequels, released at three-year intervals.
Sixteen years after the release of the trilogy's final
film, the first in a new prequel trilogy of film was
released. Thee three film were also released at
three-year intervals, with the final film released on
May 19, 2005.

The events depicted in Star Wars media place in 
a fictional galaxy. Many species of alien creatures
are depicted. Robotic droids ( <3 droids. )
are also commonplace and are generally built to 
serve their owners. Space travel is common, and
many planets in the galaxy are memebers of a 
Galactic Republic, later reorganizez as the
Galactic Empire.

"May the Force be with you."


sâmbătă, 25 februarie 2012

Tenacious D - Beelzeboss (The Final Showdown)

                  Holy shit! UITATE , UITATE UITATEEE!
                 Daca nu mai apuc sa iti multumesc ca teai uitat.
                 Vreau sa iti spun tarana usoara. =))
                 Cauza morti : rasul.

marți, 14 februarie 2012

                                             Happy valnetine's day everyone!

                     So.. azi e valentine's day.. si ca de obicei din plictiseala,
                    mam gandit sa mai postez si eu cate ceva. Deci dupa cum
                    observ aici ( shit , a sunat ciudat. ). Anyway. Inca o data
                    Happy valentine's day everyoneeeeeeeeee!


Oh yeah.. I love you so fuckin damn much sweetie!
And I always will. :"3

miercuri, 8 februarie 2012

Oh yeah.. I'm back!

Ultima postare? 
Da da, aia de jos de acolo cu Craciunu.. stii tu.
Pai ei bine.. OLD OLD and fuckin old.
Acum doua zile .. miam adus si eu aminte de blog.
Sau trei zile.. in orice caz 2 sau 3 zile dupa ce miam adus aminte
au fost de lene continuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuua.
So.. sa trecem la subiectul mult asteptat.Are you ready?
SURE!? DUDE ARE YOU?!Gosh.. I don't really want to kill you.
But...Anywaaay. Subiectu da da.Subiectul este.. a..aaa.. PAI Aaaa...
Habarnam. Doar o simpla postare de reintoarcere.
So.. mai revino >:/

duminică, 18 decembrie 2011

Christmas dudeee !

Soo.. pentru ca vine Craciunu , si eu mam
gandit sa mai deschid blog`u si sa il reinoiesc putin.
Mam gandit sa postez si o chestie pentru Craciun.
De ce? Pentru ca mai e o saptamana pana la Craciun
si pana la vacanta , desigur.. soo..
Oh yeah , I fuckin' damn love that song.
Soo.. o sa mai postez si inainte de Craciun
Anyway , daca nu mai apuc.